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1.1 Background to the Study

Radio listenership is a form of informal distance education. Although studies have been done on radio listenership and utilisation in Kenya and the rest of the world, none of the studies have focused on listenership of general radio programmes and utilisation of received messages by primary school pupils and teachers.
In a study conducted by Kenya Audience Research Foundation (KARF,2011) Radio listening led in media consumption or utilization followed by mobile phones, television, newspapers and internet respectively. Ninety three per cent (93%) of the sample population had listened to a radio programme in the last seven days. This calls for a study to assess why radio programmes are preferred compared to other media as stipulated above.
Radio broadcasts are used in a number of ways. According to Iwu and Nzeako (2010) these are formal and non-formal educational broadcasting. Formal educational broadcasting instructional purposes include a formal syllabus and grade system broadcast.
Radio listening involves the acquisition of functional knowledge that is relevant to the adults‟ social working functions and informal educational broadcasting: This refers to daily encounter with radio programmes that helps an individual acquire knowledge.

Radio is a powerful medium for mass communication. This is due to the fact that broadcasts from a powerful transmitter can be received at distance places; however remote the place is located (Iwu, 2006). Radio can also play a major role in imparting instruction to school children Maina‟s (2008) report on private radio stations in Kenya shows their rapid expansion, use of local languages and phone- in commentaries and shows which have increased public participation. Eighty nine per cent (89%) of Kenyan adults get news and information from the radio programmes (Maina, 2008). Ngechu and Peter (2008) in their research found out that both male and female farmers listen to radio programmes. They have educative agricultural message programmes. Farmers adopted them in improving their farming methods. Although research on radio broadcast has been done in many parts of the world, it is noted that most studies dwell on its utilization in the education sector. This calls for a study on general radio utilization by primary school teachers and pupils.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
Studies conducted in Kenya on radio utilization focused mainly on school education (Osodo, 1985; Owigar, 1981; Waitherah, 1984; Wambutta, 1992; Odera, 1995), and Gacenga, 2000. It was therefore imperative to carry out a study to establish the current state of listenership and utilisation of radio programmes emanating from local and national radio stations.
Educationists in Kenya Institute of Education prepare educational radio programmes for schools which are transmitted by Kenya Broadcasting Station (KBC). It was therefore imperative to study informal distance education that was being listened to by primary school pupils and teachers The researcher investigated two issues.
One was the extent to which primary school pupils and teachers listened to general radio programmes and two, the degree to which they utilized skills, attitudes, abilities and knowledge acquired from the broadcast messages. This study assessed radio listenership and determined message utilisation by primary school pupils and teachers who lived in Municipality South Division of Nyeri Central District between 2012 and 2013.
1.3. Purpose of the Study
The purpose of this study was to assess the frequency of listenership of general radio broadcasts and determine utilization of their messages by primary school pupils and teachers in Municipality South Division of Nyeri Central District.
1.4. Objectives of the Study
The research study aimed at achieving the following objectives:
i) To assess frequency of radio listenership by primary school pupils and teachers in Municipality South Division of Nyeri Central District.
ii) To establish the utilization of the content of radio messages by primary school pupils and teachers in Municipality South Division of Nyeri Central District.
iii) To establish the factors that influence audio technology used by primary school pupils and teachers in Municipality South Division of Nyeri Central District.
1.5 Research Questions
Three research questions were answered. These were:
i) What was the frequency of radio listenership by primary school pupils and teachers in Municipality South Division of Nyeri Central District?
ii) How were contents of radio messages utilized by primary school pupils and teachers in Municipality South Division of Nyeri Central District?
iii) What factors influence audio technology used by primary school pupils and teachers in Municipality South Division of Nyeri Central District?

1.6. Significance of the Study
The study added new knowledge on informal distance education emanating from the general radio programmes. This is an area which had been ignored by researchers up to this time. This study may be of importance to parents and radio stations as it has informed them on popular radio programmes and valued radio messages by primary school pupils and students. This data is useful in making programming decisions. Secondly, the findings gave insight into the appropriate ways of passing educative information to primary school population. The study added onto existing literature on radio listenership and utilisation of message.
1.7 Limitations of the Study
The study was limited to Municipality South Division of Nyeri Central District although similar studies are required in other areas. The researcher used questionnaires, interviews and focus group discussions although use of observation schedules would have given more detailed information.
1.8 Scope of the Study
The study investigated the frequency of radio listenership, utilization of radio messages and preferred audio technology by primary school pupils and teachers in Municipality south division of Nyeri Central District.
1.9 Assumptions of the Study
The study was based on the assumption that primary school pupils and teachers listen to general radio programmes and they use information from the programmes.

1.10 Definition of Significant Terms
Content: The individual items or topics that are dealt with in radio broadcasting
Language: The method of human communication consisting of the use of words in a structured and conventional way.
Message: A usually short communication transmitted by words, signals from one person, station, or group to another.
Audio Technology: Sound transmission device that is used to relay information from radio stations to the listener.
Radio listenership: The frequency and length of duration spent while listening to radio broadcast.
Social interaction: An association between two or more people.
Platform: Stage used by listeners to air their views to the presenter and general public.
Utilization of Messages: Adoption and use of information obtained from radio messages either in learning, decision making or other activities
1.11 Organization of the Study
This study is organized in five chapters. The first chapter: introduction covers background to the study, problem statement, objectives, research questions, significance, limitations, scope, assumptions and definition of terms. The second chapter contains review of literature regarding this topic; a theoretical framework, conceptual framework and a summary of the chapter. In the third chapter, research methodology, the research design used is articulated. The target population and sample sizes are also presented in this chapter. Data collection instruments used for the study are discussed as well. The researcher highlighted the methods of analysing and representing data. Chapter four discusses data analysis, interpretation, presentation and discussions. Chapter five is a summary of findings, conclusion, recommendations and suggestions for further research.


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